Mission Safety

Mission Safety Safety on and around your roof De Boer Roof Safety Solutions protects people on or near roofs, thereby safeguarding also the interests of its professional partners, roofers, architects, principals and building managers. Our patented systems offer a reliable and user-friendly protection against the risk of falling. Our professionally installed anchors and guardrails provide […]

Green roofs: what and why

The aim of a roof is to protect the building from the effect of the weather, especially the humidity. An ordinary roof fulfils those requirements perfectly. But other ways are also possible, for example by choosing a ‘green roof’. A green roof looks attractive. This visual aspect has a positive effect on the mood and […]

Debunked Green Roofing Myths

Have you ever looked at a gorgeous green roof and wondered if it’s possible to have one? If your mind instantly jumped to all the reasons that you can’t have one, you’re in the right place. Here are the most common green roofing myths that have been debunked. What Is Green Roofing? A green roof, […]

Eden In The Sky: Managing Wellness With Green Roofs

There is no doubt that, as a society, we are overbooked and overworked. Healthy, small and repetitive habits have been known to help people manage stress over time. Imagine a garden of Zen on your very rooftop. Not only will the shrubbery and native grasses help you find some peace during the day, but they […]

Ensure Roof Longevity With Waterproofing Membranes

While the words waterproofing membrane may sound rather self-explanatory, there are a lot of questions that come with hearing about this product. In this article, we will answer important questions and narrow down why adding a waterproofing membrane to your roofing may be the very thing to reduce your future maintenance costs on your residential […]

Why You Should Invest In High-Quality Waterproofing Membrane

While a waterproofing membrane may sound like a step you would want to miss to save yourself money, skipping this step could actually cost you big time. Waterproofing membrane for your roofing makes a huge structural impact in the long term and will only reap positive benefits for the building at hand. It can be […]

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